Band Fees
Welcome to the Cox Mill High School Band Program!
In order to run a successful band program, many of our programs require fees. Please read this page carefully to see which payments apply to your family, and which payment methods are accepted for each type. All band fees may be be made by cash, check, or credit card. Questions can be directed to our treasurer.
Class Band Fees
There are two payments required for class band. These are a $10 per semester school fee, and concert attire fees.
School Fees
The $10 per semester school fee should be made by check payable to Cox Mill High School or can be paid online via the K12paymentcenter.com. This is the ONLY time you will use k12payment center for band related fees.
Concert Attire
Concert attire fees will vary depending on the needs of each student. These fees can be paid by a check made out to Charger Bands, or by credit card using our Square payment site. Do not pay via K12paymentcenter.
Marching Band Fee Payments
As explained in the Band Handbook, participation in marching band requires each student to pay two annual fees: a $500 marching band fee. If you have multiple siblings in marching band the same year, the band fee is reduced to $250 for each sibling after the first. Marching band fee payments can be made using a check or by credit card via the Square payment system.
These fees are due based on the agreed schedule.
*Accounts may be paid in full at any time*
May 30, 2024 (Mini Camp)
$150 payment or credit due on account. (Total paid on account $150)
July 22, 2024 (Band Camp)
$150 payment or credit due on account. (Total paid on account $300)
August 23, 2024 (SOCM Rehearsal)
$100 payment or credit due on account. (Total paid on account $400)
September 28, 2024 (Potential Competition)
$100 payment or credit due on account. (Total paid on account $500)
Student accounts not in good standing will not be able to participate in marching events until the account is brought current, and risk being removed from the program. Any exceptions may only be approved by the Band Booster board of directors. If personal hardship is preventing you from paying on time, please email our treasurer at treasurer@chargerbands.org. All details will be kept confidential between you, the treasurer, and the band director. If a student leaves the program at any point in the season, a refund will not be issued of the payments made. Due to the show design process, all fees will need to be paid up till date of departure.
New Orleans Trip Fees
During the 2024-2025 school year, the band will be taking a trip to New Orleans, LA. Trip fees will need to be paid according to the payment schedule via cash, check, or credit card using our Square site. All fees must be paid ON TIME and in full in order for the student and/or chaperone to be eligible to attend the trip. Refunds are not guaranteed after certain dates. Please pay close attention to the deadlines to avoid loss of fees or additional penalties.
Payment schedule as of 8/15/24:
Sept 1, 2024 $200 non-refundable deposit due
Oct 1, 2024 $150 payment
Nov 1, 2024 $150 payment
Jan 15, 2025 $150 payment
Feb 14, 2025 $150 payment
March 15, 2025 Final payment: remaining balance due**
**Cost per person will be adjusted once all trip costs are finalized. Initial estimated cost is $964 per person, based on 4-person occupancy. Double/Triple occupancy rooms will cost more. Use the Custom Payment option to enter the exact amount due for final payment. For custom payment in Square, add 3% to payment amount to account for square fees charged to band program. Example: $464 remaining balance payment is $464 x 1.03 = $478. Refer to your student/chaperone statement for amount. Contact the treasurer at treasurer@chargerbands.org with any questions.
Cancellation Policy (added 11/28/24)
For cancellations prior to Jan 1, 2025, the trip deposit ($200) is forfeited. You are eligible for 50% refund of payments made toward remaining balance. Example: if you paid $300 beyond the deposit, you lose the deposit and will receive a refund of $150.
For cancellations after Jan 1, 2025, no refund. You will be required to pay the full trip amount.
Note: Any payments made via fundraising credits are non-refundable. Refunds will be based on direct payments (cash, check, credit card) only.
Additional trip information can be found here: New Orleans 2025
Jazz Band Fees
Jazz band fees need to be paid via cash, check, or credit card (Square). Mr. Carter will share any fees required with the students who choose to participate.
Winter Guard Fees
Winter guard fees need to be paid via cash, check, or credit card (Square). Fees for participation in the 2024-25 Winter Guard program is $500. Note that these fees are based on the agreed to schedule and can be paid in full at any time.
Dec 12, 2024 $150 payment
Jan 7, 2025 $150 payment
Feb 7, 2025 $100 payment
March 4, 2025 $100 payment
Payment policy: All outstanding marching band fees must be paid in full prior to participation in winter guard. All winter guard fees are due by 3/4/25. All outstanding fees must be paid in full prior to departure date for New Orleans trip (if participating), or student will not be permitted to attend.
Payment Methods
Payment by Cash
Cash should be placed in sealed envelope and labeled with the student's name and purpose of the cash payment. Please place the envelope in the lockbox in the band room outside Mr. Carter's office. Please avoid using cash for large payments for security purposes.
Payment by Check
Checks should be made payable to "Charger Bands" and include your student's name and your phone number in the memo field. Checks may be delivered by
placing in the lockbox in the band room, outside Mr. Carter’s office. Place the check in an envelope and label it with the student’s name and payment purpose.
mailing it to
Cox Mill High School
Attn: Mr. Drew Carter, Band Director
1355 Cox Mill Road
Concord, NC 28027
Payment by Credit Card
Click HERE to pay your fees online via square! Note that the payment amount does include a small convenience fee to process credit card payments. If making a custom amount payment, add 3% to your payment to include this convenience fee. Example, if paying $200, submit payment for $206 ($200 x 1.03). Contact treasurer@chargerbands.org with any questions.
For additional information about the Square payment system, click HERE for answers to some frequently asked questions.
The Charger Bands Square can be accessed by clicking the Square logo.
Payment by k12paymentcenter.com (CMHS class fee only)
K12paymentcenter.com is to be used for the $10 school class band fee ONLY. Do not use this site for concert attire, marching band, jazz band, honor band, color guard fees, or trip payments. This will result in requiring you to get a refund from the school and resubmitting your payment directly to the band program via cash, check or Square.